Erfahrungsberichte aus England

Ob afternoon tea, Ausflüge in historische Städte oder an die Küste - das Leben als Au Pair in England hält diese Erlebnisse für einen bereit. Bekomme einen Eindruck durch die Erfahrungen ehemaliger Au Pair Teilnehmerinnen, wie der Alltag eines Aupairs ist und wie gut du die englische Kultur dabei kennenlernen kannst.

Lisa Anderl

Report of my AuPair experiences (Lisa Anderl)  Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, UK  I was in the UK for about seven months with an American family and it was a great time!I was very nervous before my flight into my new life as an au-pair, but there was no reason for that!!My host mum picked me up at the airport and I just felt I was right there! After a few weeks I had a great relationship with my host parents (especially with my host mum, my host dad wasn’t at home very much) and with my kids, too. My girls were 11(twins) and 14 and they respected me and all the “orders” I gave them. So I had no problems at all and they became my second family and wonderful friends so I’m gonna visit them back in the US.After two weeks I met my first friends there and after about a month I had three really good ones. At the weekend we went to London (almost every one), Oxford and Stonehenge. We also went to the movie theatre in High Wycombe for several times, so it was very easy to learn English and have fun (in addition to the language course two times a week).The English course was two times a week for 2.5 hours and I don’t regret taking part. It’s always a good opportunity to speak English and learn some sayings! But the best practice is to speak as much as possible in English- with your family and friends (even so they are from the same country!).So I was very sad when I had to leave them and my friends had to cheer me up!-> So it was a terrific experience and I just can say. DO IT!!

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Bleibe als Au Pair in Europa und entscheide dich in welche Kultur du eintauchen möchtest. Irland, Frankreich, Italien, Spanien oder Norwegen - dir stehen alle Türen offen! Werde Teil einer neuen Familie und sammle zugleich Auslandserfahrungen und arbeite mit Kindern. Die Kleinen bereiten schließlich unabhängig vom Land viel Freude!

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